6 Seahawks Traits to Take Your Organization to the Next Level

Change and Motivation in the Workplace
Jump on into the Seahawks bandwagon! We have plenty of room and only one more stop to make. While Sunday promises a matchup between the NFL’s best there is much more to this Seattle team than people realize. A closer look reveals that the Hawks are not simply just another NFL team; they are a vision of success for businesses and organizations everywhere.
Change is always a difficult. Human instinct pushes into routines and to break or even remotely stray from them results in tremendous friction. Successful changes require courage and persistence, maybe even some pride swallowing. The NFL is in the midst of a paradigm shift. No longer just a game, safety enhancements and conduct policies alter the landscape, changing the ways players play and coaches coach. To overcome adversity and adapt to this change the Seattle Seahawks adopted principles shared in common with the most successful men, women and companies in business today.
- Teamwork
Stephen Covey penned one of the most influential business management books of all time. The bestselling Seven Habits of Highly Effective People was released in 1989 and one of the first to popularize the term synergy (Habit 6). Collaboration is a key to success and although Coach Pete Carroll preaches competition at every position Seahawks players compete with, not against each other. They began the year with the end in mind (Habit 2) and are now days away from realizing their aspiration.
- Work Ethic
“Proof is in the preparation,” #notime2sleep, these Seahawks are all “’bout that action,” as Marshawn Lynch so beautifully phrased it to NFL Network and Hall of Fame cornerback Deion Sanders on Media Day earlier this week. Although Richard Sherman may have shouted his way onto your screens, let his devotion and attention to detail scream into your hearts or at the very least your office. (A MUST watch).
- Energy
Every practice, every play, every day, all the time. The Seahawks never take a snap off and feed off their own determination with a little help from the 12th Man. To maintain such a work ethic commands a high level. Starbucks or Snickers, 5 Hour or RockStar; these might give you a boost for your morning commute, but (at least) 20 minutes of exercise will do you one better.
- Leadership
There’s no shortage of leaders on offense, defense or special teams. But it starts with the coach. In a recent poll of 320 current NFL players, 72 named Pete Carroll as the coach with whom they’d most prefer to work. Next closest was Pittsburgh Steelers Coach Mike Tomlin. He received only 44 votes. Calling Carroll soft or just a player’s coach would simply be incorrect. Pete is a motivator and a darn good one. He knows what it takes to get the most from his team; how to coach to each player’s strengths, guide them through adversity and help them to reach understanding. WinForever.com is a company founded on the man’s principles and helps business men and women “develop a culture that supports a relentless pursuit of a competitive edge – for participants to become the very best they can possibly become, both at work and real life.” A true leader.
- Victory
The Seahawks celebrated 15 of them to get to this point, but that’s just what the win/loss record shows. During practice, after plays, Seahawks congratulate each other literally ALL the time. Richard Sherman polarized football fans with his outburst following the NFC Championship. Pete Carroll was able to turn that event into a learning opportunity, into a victory. Praising good work begets more of it. Understanding mistakes and why they happen prevents them. Celebrate victories, big or small. They matter.
- Effectiveness
In 2004, Stephen Covey released a follow up to his bestselling work with The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness. This book motivates people to find their “voice” and maintains that greatness is achieved when you help others find theirs. Russell Wilson explained to SportsNetwork.com during media events this week, “At the end of the day, it comes down to just executing your plays and being focused.” Russell is ready to be great. His coach and teammates are ready to be great. The 12th Man is ready.
To be fair, the Denver Broncos may exhibit some of these traits, maybe all of them. Certainly no one can question Peyton’s legacy and I sincerely thank him for the four fantasy championships he has helped me win since he entered the league. My wife just won her first with the help of his 55 touchdowns. However living in Seattle, we have the privilege of watching the Seahawks firsthand, see them transform a fan base and electrify a city. Come Sunday the world will watch as the Seattle Seahawks demonstrate their power of TWELVE: Teamwork, Work ethic, Energy, Leadership, Victory, and Effectiveness. #GoHawks
Christopher Flores currently works as a digital marketer, copywriter and editor for Media Partners. He has over 15 years customer service experience, including both retail and call center management.