Say Goodbye to Sexual Harassment Training Compliance Confusion
Media Partners’ Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Compliance Guide is an efficient, user-friendly online manual that takes the mystery and confusion out of sexual harassment training for employees.
Revised regularly, the guide offers an up-to-date compilation of the often-complicated rules that govern mandatory sexual harassment training now required by six U.S. states. In plain language, the guide spells out the specific (and differing) provisions of each of those locales.
For trainers, the publication includes sexual harassment compliance training reference tables that clearly explain how to use state-specific versions of the Media Partners Once & For All program and any actions organizations need to take to ensure they meet the mandated standards whether delivering training in eLearning or instructor-led formats.
A Helpful Guide for Any Location
1) What if your organization isn’t in a state currently mandating sexual harassment prevention training? Media Partners has you covered with its general version of Once & For All. You can look through the Guide to see how Once & For All’s Employee and Manager Training programs provide a comprehensive approach to training on this important topic. And, mandate or no mandate, if you truly want to change behavior and create a culture of respect, you need this kind of comprehensive approach.
2) What if you’re not located in the U.S.? No problem. The instructional design experts at Media Partners have developed a Once & For All Europe/International Version and a version for Canada that includes the Canada Labour Code definition of sexual harassment. You can read more about it in the Guide.
All versions of Media Partners’ Once & For All: Stopping Sexual Harassment at Work program offer maximum flexibility to meet your training needs, and are appropriate for self-directed eLearning or classroom-based instructor-led training. Many versions also are available in Spanish to accommodate diverse workforces.
When your organization needs a strong partner to help you ensure compliance with complex and confusing laws governing mandatory sexual harassment training, tap into the expertise of Media Partners. Join HR, L&D, and other training professionals worldwide and access your free Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Compliance Guide today.

Preview our best-selling and multi-award winning Once & For All: Stopping Sexual Harassment at Work program.
Employee and Manager Courses. State and City specific versions.