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Workplace Violence Prevention - Blog

  1. Workplace Violence Prevention Training in a Work from Home Era

    Workplace Violence Prevention Training in a Work from Home Era

    Even though employees may no longer work alongside one another in a traditional office setting, Workplace Violence Prevention & Response training remains essential.

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  2. Workplace Bullying is on the Rise: It’s Time to Insist on Respect

    Workplace Bullying is on the Rise: It’s Time to Insist on Respect

    Recent studies show that employee vaccination policies, political polarization, and other divisive factors are contributing to increasing occurrences of workplace bullying -- impacting both onsite and remote workers.

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  3. New Workplace Violence  Standards for Healthcare - Effective January 2022

    New Workplace Violence Standards for Healthcare - Effective January 2022

    NEW & REVISED Workplace Violence Standards for hospitals accredited by The Joint Commission (TJC) go into effect on January 1, 2022. Here's what you need to know.


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  4. THE TIME IS NOW… Disturbing trend shows urgent need for WPV Awareness, Prevention and Response Training

    THE TIME IS NOW… Disturbing trend shows urgent need for WPV Awareness, Prevention and Response Training

    This post summarizes recent reports that reveal a substantial increase in grievance-based violence along with other disturbing trends.  See why workplace violence prevention and response training is urgently needed.

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  5. Resolving "High Conflict" (and how doing so can help prevent workplace violence)

    Resolving "High Conflict" (and how doing so can help prevent workplace violence)

    HIGH CONFLICT is "conflict that becomes self-perpetuating and all consuming, in which almost everyone ends up worse off." This post's insights can help cool heated encounters between individuals in these situations, and catalyze much-needed dialogue between broader groups that find themselves at odds with one another.

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  6. H.R. 1195:  Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act

    H.R. 1195: Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act

    This post explains, and provides expert commentary on, H.R. 1195. The pending legislation would provide added protection to health care workers who have long faced threats of violence on the job, but would also place a significant new burden on health care employers.  

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  7. Do we really want to tell our people to FIGHT an active shooter?

    Do we really want to tell our people to FIGHT an active shooter?

    This year's violent incidents in our workplaces, schools, and society have left many feeling vulnerable and helpless. In this post, topic expert James Sporleder shares a message of hope.

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